The Samurai Sword Blog
Want to be a Ninja? They are hiring in Japan.
Have you always dreamed of being a ninja? Did people crush your dreams by telling you Hollywood made them up? Not true! In fact ninja were, and are very real. The CIA even has a skill and history page dedicated in ninja. Even more shockingly, there is a city in Japan hiring real ninja for real money. $25,000-$30,000 USD per year in fact. IGA, Mie Prefecture, Japan has put the call out; they need ninja. A lot of ninja.Before you pack your Ebay ninja suit and grab your ninja sword, throwing stars,
Jul 25th 2018
HBO Needs A Samurai Epic
HBO was recently acquired by AT&T in a blockbuster $85 billion deal. John Stankey is now heading up WarnerMedia and has promised to ramp up HBO's shows. This is where the opportunity to do something no one else is doing not only presents itself, but makes perfect sense; make a samurai epic. Everyone and their dog has piled onto the fantasy train after the success of Game of Thrones, which lead to the spillover piling onto the Viking theme shows. What is the only thing with global appea
Jul 21st 2018
Katana, Ninja, and Samurai In West World Season Two
If you have HBO chances are you have probably already watched season two of West World, so this is no surprise to you. If you haven't, season two has some great scenes in Samurai World with one of my favorite actors Hiroyuki Sanada. If you've seen The Last Samurai, The Wolverine, or 47 Ronin, then you would know him on sight. There is a decisive lack of samurai shows being made and I think Netflix and HBO are dropping a very large ball by not creating one. For now, the scenes in Samurai World wi
Jul 10th 2018
Hanzo Steel Ninja Bujinkan Katana
As a kid I was fascinated with all things Ninja. I dreamed about having the skills and weapons they carried. Sadly, my reality was shoddy ninja suits from flea markets, and cheap stainless steel ninja swords that had no resemblance to what historical Japanese Ninja actually used. Flash forward to the present day, and rainy Saturday afternoon, when Enter the Ninja happened to come on TV. I watched it, pined for a little slice of my childhood, and decided to design the sword I always wanted. One o
Jan 25th 2016
How Ebay Samurai Swords get Made in China - An Inside Look at Sword Making Part Three
Ebay sword dealers offer a lot of customization, including custom hamon. As with the other parts of sword making, that too is outsourced to locals who specialize in it. There are several places, that range from very fast, to very detailed. The lower the price point on a sword sale, the lower the amount they are going to spend on a hamon. Consider a hamon no different than fittings, or a saya. It's just something else they need to add to the sword to make the sale.I've visited around 10 places th
Oct 13th 2015