The Samurai Sword Blog
Musashi - A Review of one of the Best Books About Ronin and Samurai Ever Written
Book Review - Musashi, by Yoshikawa EijiThe last blog post that I wrote for Ronin
Katana was a book review of The Book of
Five Rings, the penultimate work of master swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. I
had read The Book of Five Rings more
than once, and continue to re-read it each year as part of my
"rotation" (like many voracious readers, I have favourites that I
can't help but revisit on a regular basis). In reading it, I felt that I had
gained insight into Musashi's life, swordsmanship, and p
May 15th 2016
How Ebay Samurai Swords get Made in China - An Inside Look at Sword Making Part Six
Recently I commented on a thread posted on the SBG forum. The topic was "Are most ebayer sellers operating under a parent company." The question later came up, as it usually does, about whether these ebay sword dealers own factories as they claim. The best way to answer that question is to get an address and go visit. A few forum members chimed in with addresses, and my wife, who is currently in China went for a visit. I asked her to take pictures of the buildings, and visit with the owners of t
Feb 26th 2016
Hanzo Steel Ninja Bujinkan Katana
As a kid I was fascinated with all things Ninja. I dreamed about having the skills and weapons they carried. Sadly, my reality was shoddy ninja suits from flea markets, and cheap stainless steel ninja swords that had no resemblance to what historical Japanese Ninja actually used. Flash forward to the present day, and rainy Saturday afternoon, when Enter the Ninja happened to come on TV. I watched it, pined for a little slice of my childhood, and decided to design the sword I always wanted. One o
Jan 24th 2016
Marvel's Deadpool Movie - Samurai Swords and Guns - A look at the Katana Deadpool uses.
This February Marvel Comic's Deadpool will hit theaters. This marks one of the few times a comic book inspired movie will have an R rating. Others have been the Blade movies, and the Watchmen. Like Blade, and the Watchmen, Deadpool also focuses on an anti-hero instead of a super hero. It's interesting to see FOX take the risk by making Deadpool rated R, and if it does well, it may encourage them to take a risk on a rated R version of Old Man Logan. Movies, and the movie business are n
Jan 3rd 2016
AMC's Into the Badlands - Kung Fu, Jian, and Katana Mix it up on TV in a Samurai Style Western
The Apocalypse has come and gone, and all that's left now are poppy fields and kung fu fighters! So far, that's the premise of AMC's In the Badlands, which airs on Sunday nights. "The wars were so long ago nobody even remembers. Darkness and fear ruled
until the time of the barons, seven men and women who forged order out
of chaos. People flocked to them for protection. That protection became
servitude. They banished guns and trained armies of lethal fighters they
called Clippers.
Nov 23rd 2015